Konaseema & Godavari Delta, Andhra Pradesh, India    (Dec 2022)        

East of Rajahmundry, the Godavari splits into numerous distributaries forming the largest river delta in peninsular India. We stayed in Dindi village, overlooking one of the largest of these distributaries and, among other places, visited Antarvedi, where it meets the Bay of Bengal. Here one can see a large and placid brown riverfront merging into a turbulent and bluish sea. The pleasures of this lush green delta region, aka Konaseema, include leisurely walks on village paths, alongside rice paddies, coconut plantations, and backwater channels.

Dindi village vista

A village home

Coconut plantation

A visitor

Coconut plantation (more)

Coconut plantation (more)

Village cemetery

A brand new crematorium

Godavari at Dindi village

A farmer at work

Rice paddies (more)

Rice paddies

Walk near Dindi village

Coconut plantation (more)

Coconuts and rice

Coconut plantation (more)

Godavari at Dindi village

Dindi village visitor

Boats, Dindi village (more)

Godavari at Dindi (1, 2)

Godavari backwaters
near Antarvedi

Fisherman casting a net
in brackish water

Lakshmi Narasimha
temple (more)

A major distributary of
Godavari meets the sea

A brick ruin by the sea

Driftwood by the Godavari

The river here, sea there

Godavari meets the sea
sea on left; river on right

Antarvedi beach (1, 2)

Antervedi beach (more)

Mangroves at the delta

Backwater boats

Boats on the backwater

The backwaters

Casting a net (1, 2)

The backwaters

The backwaters

All headed for the sea

Part of the backwaters

Healthy pig family

Coconut plantation (more)

Roadside heroes

Hanuman of Konaseema

Rain slick road (more)


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