Visitor Comments


Praise for Shunya      (Last updated ~2007)


I've been checking back with this site for what seems like ages now. It's really a playground for my imagination. Plus it's loaded with so much information. What's not to love in a world where things like this exist?

-- A reviewer, (here and here; click for scores of additional reviews)


I must congratulate you on the finest quality of work and aesthetics that are evident in your collection. People like you make us all Indians proud of our Indian origin ... I found your depiction of India closest to reality. [I] was in the Indian civil services till 1995.

-- Professor, a US West Coast University


While looking for more information and pictures of the kanchenjunga ... i found your site and i am very impressed by it. Since then i completely immersed myself into it, it is a great site full of beautiful discoveries and humanity. I like very much your essay ‘advice to a young artist’.

-- bo van der werf, Jazz Musician, Belgium


I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and find your photos simply amazing.

-- Editor, The King's English


I came upon your excellent site [and] was wowed by your images of nature and culture...

-- Editor, Pan, the magazine of World Pantheism


Your website is just amazing. I spent much time on it this evening and was so impressed by your beautiful pictures and your breadth of travel.

-- Kim McCloud, Photographer


I just happened upon your essay titled Advice to a young artist ... I am so awed and inspired by it that I had to stop to do two things - one, email it to my daughter and two, email you.

-- Editor, an Indian-American literary journal


I enjoyed your website immensely. Ah, all the photos and text are amazing! Please tell me about yourself. You write so well. I am a muslim, Baluchi, originally from Iran but I am a 3rd generation Kenyan. I enjoy travelling, painting and reading travelogues. I hold a BSc. degree in Biochemistry. I shall be very grateful to hear from you.

-- a teacher of fine arts in Mombasa, Kenya


I was amazed by your web site. Thank you for that list of essays. I started to delve into it and read three before I realized that it's not what my boss is paying me to do so I bookmarked it.

-- Rob, Media Sorceror, Canada


What excellent pieces of work! The pages are very well written and a joy to read. I perused the rest of your site as well; it seems your writing ability is matched only by your ability to take excellent photographs. Truly, the entire site is a rare gem.

-- Dave T., editor of an online literary forum


I can't tell you how much I love your site and pictures. They are absolutely phenomenal ... I am so impressed with your work. You are my inspiration.

-- Briana, USA


Thank you for your most interesting writing on Ugarit. My husband and I were there in April 2001 and found it exactly as you described. The translations of the texts were wonderful.

-- Carole, USA


I visited your site and was truly amazed by the quality of the photographs. Your travelogues too are quite interesting. I have visited your site only about a 3 or 4 times, but each time I ended up spending hours looking at the pictures and admiring them for their composition, their lighting and the sheer photo ops that you've been able to capture. I must say that your work is very inspiring, especially for an amateur like me - who has just begun experimenting.

-- D, Mumbai


I looked at many of your photos and I thought they were amazing. The dawn and dusk ones were simply stunning. The lost cities collection captured the seductive mystery of places unknown, peoples only glimpsed at; naturally, it made me want to go to all of those places. The portraits of people were strikingly earthy... all that everyday humanity captured with photographic clarity and perfect color. I know that's not at all easy to do. I used to dream of photography, till I saw the results of my attempts. Things don't just come out on film the way we see them. Obviously, a real photographer has a different eye for the world. You are obviously a gifted photographer. Have you ever tried to get paid for your photography? Submitted to National Geographic, for instance?

-- TD, California

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